Saturday, January 5, 2013

Character Sheets and other updates

In a few minutes here I will put the character sheet up for download. You won't be able to use it yet because I am still making the Player Book. Then I will need to make the admin book.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Mining almost done

right now I'm working on the mining method.
(only in survival)
Basicly how it will work is:

1.You tell the Admin what you want to mine.
2. You roll the d20.
3. If the roll is equal or more of the minimum you roll the specified die to see how many you can add to your inventory.

player:I want to mine some diamonds
player makes sure he has a iron or diamond pickaxe
player rolls d20 and gets a 17 (minimum is 16)
player rolls a D4
player gets a 2
player adds 2 diamonds to character sheet

After i'm done with mining I will work out how long until you can mine diamonds, iron, etc again (we don't want people to have 100 diamonds because they were lucky :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ways 2 play

There are 2 ways to play. 

you and a ADMIN(name for gamemaster or Dungeon master)

Adventure Maps
Basically campaigns. you need to do some survival to do campaign. 

I will be working on mining in survival and character sheets.

Keep checking back with updates!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Minecraft Role-playing game

If you are a nerd then you will recognize D&D and D20 or some other RPG out there. I was looking around for a RPG for Minecraft ,but couldn't find one. So I sat down and started making one. I'm still in planning stges ,but it will be cool when it is done! (p.s it will be free!!)